Carol Allen teaches the truth about Astrological Compatibility
Take advantage of the time-tested astrological wisdom used in India to arrange marriages. In a culture where you only get one shot at love, you can bet they were pretty serious – and seriously accurate – about compatibility.
Vedic Astrology Compatibility
Have you ever been in a relationship that seemed so good, but didn’t quite “go the distance?” Maybe you laughed at all the same things but had no chemistry, or you were crazy about each other but had nothing to talk about. Why is it you can be in love with someone, but not be able to reach “happily ever after” together? The answer is in the stars…
How Does Your Relationship Score?
If you’re dating a great guy and wondering if it will turn into a more serious relationship, you must know your relationship “score.” That means finding out how compatible you are… for the long term. In this article, Carol explains how this “math” can impact your love life…
Chemistry And Finding The Right Man
We can’t control who we’re attracted to. We can fall head-over-heels for the bad boy… or we can just not “feel it” for the amazing guy that treats us like a princess! Learn how chemistry and attraction work and how the stars reveal if the attraction you feel will turn into real, long-lasting love…
The Best Sign For You To Be With
Carol explains the truth about compatibility between signs and how you can look at your chart and tell if he’s the “Right Man” for you. Learn these secrets from the stars to prevent the heartache of an incompatible relationship…