The Best Sign For You To Be With
By Carol Allen
Have you ever felt so instantly drawn to a man that you hoped something romantic would happen with him? (Who hasn’t?)
And, in first chatting and having a great time with him, did you then try to find out his sign, just to be sure that the stars were smiling upon your bright, shiny future?
And, when you found out he was a Virgo or Leo (or whatever) did you think, “Oh no! Bob was a Leo and a big jerk – I can’t do that again! Forget it…”
Only to quickly excuse yourself and never see him again?
Well – do me and YOURSELF a big favor – and CUT THAT OUT immediately!
This letter from a reader illustrates why:
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Hi Carol,
I recently met a lovely man, a Gemini. I am a Taurus! I didn’t know he was a Gemini until about the third date. We got on so well and had a beautiful connection. When he told me he was a Gemini, my heart sank. I managed to find out his date/time of birth and I sent for your report. When the report arrived it told me everything I felt already – that we were compatible. It was great how it told me about any possible problems, of which there are few. We have a fantastic wavelength score! It got me thinking and I wondered how many women join dating sites and dismiss men because they are the ‘wrong’ sign. I wish your work was more widely known. There must be so many women missing out on potential happiness because of misinformation. Your report put my mind at rest. Instead of worrying about the (so-called) pitfalls and problems of a Taurus/Gemini combination, I’m concentrating on the beauty of my new relationship with a wonderful man. I have the biggest smile on my face as I write this because I am so in love. Thank you again. Much love to you.
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Yay, Anna!
That’s such sweet news… Congratulations!
Anna brings up such a great point.
The Sun sign compatibility between you and a man IS NOT a predictor of how you’ll get along.
Or your emotional connection…
Or if he could be YOUR GUY.
And, just as importantly, one man of one sign can be NOTHING like another man of the same sign!
So – even if you have a bad experience with one Gemini, the perfect man for you may just happen to be a Gemini.
Or a Cancer… or a Capricorn… or even a Scorpio.
Because astrology is much more complicated and vast than just what sign you or a man are.
And the most important thing to look to for how the two of you will FEEL together, and the very DESTINY of your relationship, doesn’t even consider your Sun signs…
Amazing, but true.
“The most important thing is how the two of you will FEEL together, and the very DESTINY of your relationship.”
And so Anna brings up another great point. There are TONS of women (and men!) that won’t so much as meet a potential love partner because of their sign.
But, just like what happened to Anna, they just might have found that that was the very person with whom they shared a fantastic connection and who made them happy.
So, what’s this “report” Anna ordered?
It’s the compatibility report I use to tell my clients (and friends!) if they’re compatible with a specific guy. It’s called “The Right Man Report.”
“The Right Man Report” looks at what DOES matter between two people in relationships – the Moon signs, and even more specifically, the Moon SUB-SIGNS of both people and analyzes the eight aspects of compatibility between them.
This is how you can see if you and a man can feel what Anna describes – that amazing WOW feeling, and such powerful compatibility as if you’re on the same “wavelength,” allowing love to grow…
You see, the Sun in your chart is an indicator of your looks, behavior, and career.
But, it is your Moon that reveals your emotions, psychology, and feelings.
So, when it comes to your relationships that are personal and emotional, by looking to a man’s Sun sign in relation to yours, you won’t learn how you’ll RELATE.
You can learn more about this, and so many other amazing truths by at the intersection of astrology and love by getting your Right Man Report. Click here
Compatibility Report: Is He The Right Man For You?
Get Detailed Insights Into Your Relationship, and Learn:

- If your love will last, or fizzle fast
- If your relationship brings misfortune and obstacles
- If your temperaments match for fun and friendship
- How you will feel about each other in the long term