Relationship Advice

The “grace” of love is what’s already written in your stars. But there’s an equally strong component to how your romantic future will play out, and it’s totally in your hands – your “will”. What a relief!

Can't Take Another Heartbreak?

Can’t Take Another Heartbreak?

If you’ve ever felt hesitant, uncertain, fearful, or insecure about dating or getting into another relationship with a man who could very likely hurt you like you’ve been hurt before – and thats all of us! -, then this one’s for you…

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Never Say This To a Man Unless You Want to Lose Him

Never Say This To a Man Unless You Want to Lose Him

Sometimes we say what we don’t really mean in order to find out how a guy really feels. But there’s one phrase you should really think twice about, especially if a certain key element is written in your stars…

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The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes You Should Avoid

The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes You Should Avoid

Sometimes finding a relationship you know will last forever feels impossible. When you’re struggling in love or have had your heart broken, it can be inspiring to turn to Vedic Astrology for help.
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Are You the Right Woman for Him? How the Stars Can Help.

Are You the Right Woman for Him? How the Stars Can Help.

Have you ever had a man not GET you?
Isn’t that just THE WORST? Especially when it’s a man you thought really loved you.
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