How To Give Him That “Meant To Be” Feeling

By Carol Allen

Give Hime That Meant-To-Be Feeling

If you’ve ever felt at war with yourself over a man, mooning about him one minute and then kicking yourself for even being attracted to him because he did or said something that felt really “off” to you the next, then you know how confusing it can be to figure out if what you’re feeling is real or just crazy lust and physical chemistry. Well, men feel this way, too.

A man may want you because a part of him feels drawn and attracted to you, but another part – that part of him that decides whether or not you’re his one true love – may have its doubts.

When this happens, a guy will probably drive you batty with “come here, go away” stuff.

You know, one day he says he’s not sure he wants anything serious, and he isn’t “in love” with you, and he leaves you totally devastated! And the next day, he’s texting you to say he misses you and wants to see you again.

Huh? Seriously now, what’s a girl to think? Is it any wonder women think that men are complete flakes sometimes?

Listening To That Inner Voice

Maybe you’re dating a guy right now that you have your doubts about, too. You feel good about him in so many ways, but sometimes a small voice inside you tells you that you may be making a big mistake. Or maybe a BIG, SCREAMING voice…

If that’s the case, pay attention! Because that small voice inside, if you listen to it, is actually pretty smart. Think about it. How many times have you gone ahead with something and ignored that voice that warned you, “Don’t do it!” and then it turned out to be a disaster?

“Your heart intelligence is the thing that’ll tell you, deep down, when you finally meet a man who’s the right man for you.”

Like when you went home with that “charming” guy you barely knew, and he never called again. Or when you took that questionable job and suffered for months or years. Or how about when you told that secret to someone you thought you could trust – all while that small voice was screaming at you to zip it!

Having a Heart to Heart With You

This small voice? It’s your intuition, or what I call your “Fourth Brain.” And it’s in large part thanks to your heart intelligence. And when your Fourth Brain is speaking, you should never, ever ignore it.

Your heart intelligence is the thing that’ll tell you, deep down, when you finally meet a man who’s the right man for you.

You’ll know it because you’ll feel totally different around him than you’ve felt around any other man who was just a “fling” or Mr. Wrong…

When your Fourth Brain senses that you’re with your person, you’ll feel calm. You’ll feel safe, and you’ll be able to relax in a profound way around him.

You’ll know you won’t have to do anything to make things happen, because everything will feel perfectly paced and natural. You won’t feel the need to talk about him all the time – to your co-workers, neighbors, therapist, girlfriends, mail man… – because you won’t have constant emotional drama going on that you need to figure out.

Seriously, when you’re spending all your time trying to figure a man out, you’re probably with the wrong man! Life’s too short – I’m just sayin’ …

Connecting To Your Inner Knowing

Give Hime That Meant-To-Be Feeling

Look out a window and imagine what it is that you love (aside from him).

Imagine what it would be like to feel so secure in his devotion and dedication to the real you that you could finally relax and feel truly loved. Ahhh, wouldn’t that be nice?

You CAN have this in your life, and all you need is to remember all the things you KNEW when you were born.

When you were just a baby, and for the first few years, you lived authentically, joyfully, unapologetically as the total you.

You weren’t jaded and scarred by all the hurt and humiliation and disappointment that life can bring. You weren’t worried what anyone was thinking. You weren’t ashamed of your hair, or your waistline, and you didn’t wonder if you had food in your teeth.

If you could learn how to get back to that completely present, completely fresh, fun and full person you were, deep inside, you can be spiritually magnetic to a man. To do so, you had better access your Fourth Brain.

What’s incredible about being in tune with your Fourth Brain by accessing your heart intelligence is that it can actually make you so much more attractive to a man.

There will be something about you he just can’t resist. You’ll seem grounded, confident, real and super sexy, and he’ll be drawn to you without even knowing why.

Yes, he can also find you attractive and interesting to talk to, but there’ll be something else about you that speaks to his soul.

This kind of attraction is more than skin-deep. It’s the “soulmate” feeling we all get from time to time, a feeling that this person is special and rare and has come into our life for a reason – so we can love them and be loved by them.

But attraction, as you’ve guessed, is only one component for what makes two people come together and go the distance. In my eBook Love Is In The Stars, I’ll tell you the four critical keys that must be fulfilled astrologically for you and a man to find happiness together.

Learning these four keys will make you look at love in a whole new way so that when your Mr. Right comes along in divine time, you’ll not only be able to attract him at a deeper, spiritual level, but you’ll also know what it takes to keep the relationship going strong.

You can find the four critical keys to your love in the stars on page 62 of my eBook. Download it here now: Love is in the Stars

Love Is In The Stars eBook

Your Romantic Destiny Revealed

Love is in the Stars

You will discover:

  • The truth about your astrological sign and his
  • Real-world relationship advice you can use now
  • If your temperaments match for fun and friendship
  • The four critical keys to creating a stellar relationship
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