Are You The Right Woman For Him?
By Carol Allen
Have you ever had a man not GET you?
Isn’t that just THE WORST?
Especially when it’s a man you thought really loved you.
When a man doesn’t get you, he questions or criticizes something fundamental about you -making you feel like it’s wrong and that you should change it.
But changing that thing would be as though you were changing something as much a part of you as your height, or race, or ancestry.
Impossible to change…
Let me tell you a story to illustrate what I’m talking about.
I have a client that’s in a fairly new relationship.
She and her guy are in that MADLY in love stage – the honeymoon – where they are really gaga for one another.
They were getting along beautifully for about five months…
They laughed all the time.
They couldn’t wait to see each other every day.
The sex was OFF THE HOOK.
And then something painful happened…
He started being annoyed with something about her.
She’s a very intelligent, heady, analytical woman – a writer and researcher who always has to “break things down” and understand things logically.
“She told me that the information about both of their individual natures as well as their compatibility as a couple gave her the confidence to stand up for herself and the faith that their relationship could handle it”
As you can probably guess already – he’s not like this.
So, late in this fantastic infatuation phase, he started subtly criticizing her for being so, well… her.
He started saying things like, “You always have to look up facts and figures, and check eighteen sources, and seek out the opinions of five experts before you’ll do something.”
As you can imagine, she felt pretty craptastic when he’d do this.
In fact, she felt kicked in the stomach.
But it kept happening.
And when he’d tell her a story, or bring up a topic, she’d often ask too many questions for his liking, or want to know more about it than he knew, and again he’d get annoyed.
“What does it matter?” he’d ask. “Turn that over-active brain of yours off once in a while, could you?”
She felt criticized.
She felt hurt.
But soon she felt something else…
She thought, “Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am over-thinking things. Maybe I shouldn’t be like that.”
It was about this time that she called me.
She told me what was happening between them.
And I understood INSTANTLY what was going on.
And it was ALL in the stars. Isn’t it always?
You see, her Moon sign (which is the main indicator of how someone RELATES) is in Gemini, a logical, intellectual sign.
But even more importantly than this, the Moon is in a small constellation within the sign of Gemini called, “the searching star” which is all about information and research.
People born under this constellation are often writers and researchers and lifelong students.
In other words – this is WHO SHE IS.
By being so curious and inquisitive, she’s being EXACTLY who she’s supposed to be.
And there’s NOTHING she can possibly do to stop being that way.
And there’s NOTHING wrong with it.
It just isn’t who her boyfriend is.
When I explained this to her, she was so relieved and amazed.
Once I told her that she was WIRED to do exactly what she was doing, she was able to STOP DOUBTING herself.
And, because her man is all about GROWTH, she was able to explain it all to him, and ask for his help.
He hadn’t realized she was feeling hurt and criticized, and as soon as he did he completely stopped his painful comments.
They got over this first challenge in their otherwise wonderful relationship, and are back on track, happier than ever.
She told me that the information about both of their individual natures, as well as their compatibility as a couple, gave her the confidence to stand up for herself and the faith that their relationship could handle it…
And it did.
You can see in your Vedic Astrology chart if you and your guy (or someone you’re wondering about) have a connection that’s “written in the stars” or need to be warned about important differences between your charts. The best way to do that is to check out “The Right Man Report.”
“The Right Man Report” is an in-depth, personalized astrological compatibility report that shows if you and that “special someone” have enough natural affinity to be together.
You can learn more about it, and order yours by clicking here: Right Man Report.
Compatibility Report: Is He The Right Man For You?
Get Detailed Insights Into Your Relationship, and Learn:

- If your love will last, or fizzle fast
- If your relationship brings misfortune and obstacles
- If your temperaments match for fun and friendship
- How you will feel about each other in the long term