How Does Your Relationship Score?
By Carol Allen
Astrology is full of math.
Now, I don’t know about you, but math was not my favorite subject in school.
And I LOVED school…
Math problems had a way of “thunking” my brain shut (or was it “clunking?”) in mere moments.
It didn’t matter what kind – Algebra with its Xs and Ys – since when did letters become numbers, anyway?
Geometry with its “planes” and funny triangles…
And Calculus and Trigonometry with their… uh, you know, their… um, give me a sec…
Oh – who can remember what the heck was in Calculus and Trigonometry?
I sure can’t! (I spent a whole summer doing nothing BUT Calculus and Trig and I forgot it the minute I passed the final exam – and to this day, it’s one of the great accomplishments of my life that I passed that exam!).
But I digress…
When I first began studying astrology almost nobody had personal computers.
(Yes, Grandma Moses and I used to hang out…)
We had to do all the calculations by hand. Fun, fun.
Soon one of my teachers got a computer and would run charts for me for $5 a chart. (Let’s just say you had to be a really good friend for me to get your chart for you…)
Whew – that made things MUCH easier and more fun.
You see, astrology is hard enough without having to do the astronomy or calculation side of things.
Just interpreting what planets mean in what zodiac signs, and in what “houses” of the chart, and in what combinations, is heady enough stuff to make my brain thunk and clunk…
“There are eight aspects of compatibility that are each given a number, and the overall number is a very important indication of the power of the relationship to be effortless, or not.”
Luckily – I LOVE psychology, and understanding behavior, and learning about how people connect and disconnect, and watching events unfold in harmony with what the charts indicated…
This stuff is fascinating enough to hold my interest, and make my brain come alive.
And, once a computer and the gods of software do the computing for me, I LOVE looking to the data of astrology.
I truly appreciate the math.
Seriously – it’s sooooooo endlessly fascinating.
For example, your chart is divided into twelve sections (called houses) and each “house” has a certain amount of energy or power, which is reflected by a number.
A “high” number means that the part of the life that house represents will go well and come together easily.
While a “low” number means – you guessed it – that the part of the life that house represents will NOT go as well and NOT come together as easily.
(And yes, there’s a “house” of partnership and the number there tells you a LOT about your love life…)
In a relationship between you and a man, there’s lots of math, too.
And in my favorite compatibility technique, your relationship gets an overall score that’s the reflection of how you’ll “vibe” together.
There are eight aspects of compatibility that are each given a number, and individually, each number is not so “life and death” for the couple (though they can be fascinating).
But the overall total number is a very important indication of the power of the relationship to be effortless, or not.
The overall number is essentially a reflection of your relationship’s overall “wavelength.”
The higher the number, the more you and a man will be on the same wavelength and be able to be yourselves and want the same things.
The lower the number, the less so.
Now, just as with everything in astrology, one issue for good or bad is not enough to “save the day” or “ruin the party.”
In other words, the “score” you and a man receive together is not enough in and of itself to indicate if you should break up or marry.
But it can be enormously helpful in understanding the COST of your relationship.
If you’ve been dating a guy (or wondering about dating him) you should definitely learn what’s your score together. Also, find out if the eight aspects of compatibility are favorable or not for you. You can get this invaluable information through the “Right Man Report.”
The “Right Man Report” is an in-depth, personalized astrological compatibility report that shows if you and that “special someone” have enough natural affinity to be together and explains the eight aspects of compatibility between the two of you.
Click here to learn more about your Right Man Report.
Compatibility Report: Is He The Right Man For You?
Get Detailed Insights Into Your Relationship, and Learn:

- If your love will last, or fizzle fast
- If your relationship brings misfortune and obstacles
- If your temperaments match for fun and friendship
- How you will feel about each other in the long term