Something More Important Than Your Sign – Or His…
By Carol Allen
In the classic writings of Vedic astrology, there’s something written about far more that the signs that’s considered at the very heart of your chart.
I’m talking about “yogas.” The word “yoga” means “that which joins.” In astrology, yogas are the combinations that the planets, houses, and signs form in your chart. There are a bunch of them, and many of them supersede the signs.
That’s right, if you’re born under a sign known for being social – like Gemini or Leo – but you have shy, introverted yogas, you’ll be more introverted than social.
If you have workaholic yogas, but aren’t born into a workaholic sign like Capricorn or Virgo, then you’ll be a workaholic anyway.
So the yogas in your chart describe your core personality more than what sign you are. It’s for this reason that many people won’t ever believe in astrology. They don’t know about this “yogas” business, and they’ll have heard something about what their sign is “supposed” to be like; but it won’t fit them because of their yogas.
So, instead of realizing there’s this whole other, deeper astrological thing going on, they’ll dismiss astrology outright.
Some yogas only relate to timing, and their effects only show at certain periods in your life while others indicate your character, talents and tendencies throughout your life. Many yogas are complicated, involving several factors at once. But many are quite simple and revealing.
Diagnosing Your “Sankhya” Yogas
“Sankhya” means number, and these yogas are called that because they’re determined by counting the number of signs your planets fall into. Amazingly, this has an impact on all of your thoughts and actions throughout your life.
To look this up in your own chart, or the chart of someone in your life, go here and enter the birth information: Chart Creator
The Chart Creator will show you two charts – they’re actually the same chart in two different formats – one for the way they are constructed in North India (the chart on the right) and the other for the way they’re drawn in South India (the chart on the left).
Just pick one, and look for all the five major planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, as well as the Sun and Moon. They are abbreviated in the chart, but spelled out in the “Planetary Details” box below it.
Check to see how many signs they all fall into. The least possible number of signs is one, the most possible is seven. Don’t include Rahu and Ketu, or the “outer” planets of Pluto, Neptune, or Uranus. The outer planets aren’t used in any yogas, and Rahu and Ketu, also known as “the North and South Nodes of the Moon,” aren’t part of the “number” yogas I’m about to share below.
It sounds confusing, but it’s not if you go through what I said above slowly.
Got it? Good. If not, reread the above and try again. You’ll be glad you did!
Here’s what it all means for you – and him…
The Number Yogas Explained
“If you’re in love with a guy who has all of his planets in five signs, watch out for lots of drama. When it’s good it will be very good, but when it’s bad be careful.”
I’ve never seen this, which is a good thing because this combination makes a person extremely self-absorbed and selfish. Let’s skip it as I don’t think anyone born in the last hundred years or so can have this yoga. If you thought this was you, you counted your planets incorrectly! Whew…
This combination makes a person very fickle and changeable. They’re greatly affected by their environment, and they “blow with the wind.” They often hide their real thoughts and feelings. There’s a tendency to be dissatisfied with life, unless they cultivate a more spiritual point of view.
This combination makes a person attached to their way of seeing things and likely to fight for their position. Debating, arguing, or stubbornness attached to strong ideals is common. More head-centered than heart-centered, they get far in life with their mental gifts but can have a harder time knowing how they feel or being sensitive to the feelings of others. They have to watch being too critical or opinionated. This can cause them to be easily dissatisfied as life often won’t match their picture of how things “should be.”
This is one of the better yogas – this makes for a hard working, consistent provider. I’ve never seen this in the chart of someone who wasn’t doing very well financially. This is a very practical, stabilizing influence. These people are slow to make changes, but they are always bettering themselves and their situation and helping others to do so as well. This is a good combination for causing a person to have realistic expectations which can be met, thus leading to their happiness.
The number five is controversial in many esoteric systems. It reflects duality – good and evil. So there are good qualities noted with this combo and not so good. If the rest of the chart indicates insecurity or poor character, this will lean them more so in that direction. If the rest of the chart indicates confidence and good character, this will enhance that. These are always talkative, hard workers who are enthusiastic, clever, and very much in the world. Of all the number yogas, this one is noted for causing a person to be highly sexed and sometimes cruel…
This makes a person a lover of mankind, concerned for the welfare of others and generous to all. There’s a tendency to make decisions from the heart as well as the head and to be changeable. The character is usually high. This is a happy combination that causes a person to be full of feeling and enthusiasm, especially if they feel they’re making a significant contribution in the lives of others and living a life of purpose and meaning.
These are the most versatile, multitalented, and skillful people around. They’re especially noted for skill in music – at the very least they have a strong love of music. They’re able to be alone more than others, allowing them the time to pursue their goals and develop themselves, though they’re commonly quite popular. They’re able to focus on their tasks fully. Of all the “number” yogas, this one has the most potential for success.
Putting It All Together
Now remember, this is just one of many yogas in a chart and just one piece of a big puzzle that makes up a human being. But I do find them to give insights that can be so helpful.
For example, if all of your planets fall into three signs, find an outlet for your love of debate. Get involved in politics or causes you believe in. But be careful of being too argumentative with others in your daily life – especially male others…
If all of your planets fall into six signs, make sure you really know a guy before getting involved. Your natural optimism and tendency to “follow your feelings” matched with the nature to want to help others may cause you to pick men who need too much support… but you won’t notice until you’re too involved to get out.
If you’re in love with a guy who has all of his planets in five signs, watch out for lots of drama. When it’s good it, will be very good, but when it’s bad, be careful.
You get the idea.
If you’ve never heard of yogas before and wonder what other cool things you could learn from astrology, check out my eBook Love Is in the Stars – The Wise Woman’s Astrological Guide To Men.
In it I share the very best truths in all of astrology, and I tackle many of the myths and nonsense of “pop astrology” that may be getting you into trouble – especially in love. Download your copy and here: Love is in the Stars
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