Book Excerpts


Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover

“Don’t even try to have a stable relationship in your twenties. It simply won’t work. You’re not ready,” warned the man across the table from me. He was a Vedic Astrologer analyzing my astrology chart. It was 1990 and I was twenty-three. “At around the age of thirty your luck will change. From then on you could marry very happily.”

Thirty? That sounded million miles away. Seven years!

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Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul

As a Vedic astrologer, I am a big believer in omens. Vedic astrology, the ancient system of astrology of India, teaches that there are signs around us at all times pointing us where we need to go or revealing hidden truths and information.

I’ve observed many omens while in session with clients and at important events of friends and family. Once, while doing a reading for a man at my home, I mentioned that the coming year would be very difficult for his love life.

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