Vedic Chart Creator
Use the form below to create your Vedic Astrology chart and find out your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. Plus find out the critical moon constellations – the secret to compatibility.
- Your sun sign describes your basic nature and personality traits. It’s the source of talent, career, health and money. It’s where you get your power and energy in life.
- Your rising sign partners with the sun sign to form your persona in the world. It’s your “first impression” and often drives how others perceive you.
- Your moon sign reveals how you relate to others. It’s about how you feel, express your feelings and connect.
- Your moon constellation (or Nakshartra) unlocks the secret of compatibility between individuals, because its even more specific than your moon sign. (For example, your moon sign is like chocolate, while your moon constellation is like the type: white, dark, milk, hazelnut… Each has a different “flavor” that different people prefer)